Swift Recipes

Introducing SwiftLint


Install SwiftLint to make your project code clean and unified. This will be essential to maintain the quality of your code.

About SwiftLint

SwiftLint is a static analysis tool for adding Swift styles and conventions. The conventions are based on the GitHub Swift Style Guide.

realm/SwiftLint: A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.

Install with Mint

In this article, I will show you how to install SwiftLint using Mint. For other methods, please check README.md.

Mint is package manager that installs and runs Swift command line tool packages.

Installing Mint
// Install Mint
$ brew install mint
// Check Version
$ mint version
  1. Installing

    Create a Mintfile in the root of your project.

    cd ProjectName
    touch Mintfile
    ├─ ProjectName.xcodeproj
    ├─ ProjectName
    └─ Mintfile

    Write the following in your Mintfile.


    Do a mint bootstrap where the Mintfile is located.

    mint bootstrap

    Verify that it is installed with mint list.

    mint list
  2. Add a Run Script

    Open your project in Xcode, open TARGETS > BuidPhases, and select New Run Script Phase from the + button.(Fregure 1)
    Figure 1
    Figure 1

    Add the following Script.(Figure 2)

    if which mint >/dev/null; then
    mint run swiftlint swiftlint autocorrect --format
    mint run swiftlint swiftlint
    echo "warning: Mint not installed, download from https://github.com/yonaskolb/Mint"

    Figure 2
    Figure 2

  3. Add .swiftlint.yml

    Create a .swiftlint.yml in the root of your project.

    ├─ ProjectName.xcodeproj
    ├─ ProjectName
    ├─ Mintfile
    └─ .swiftlint.yml

    In this file, you can change or disable detailed rules.

     - SwiftRecipesSample
     - SwiftRecipesSample/Scripts/R.generated.swift
     - Carthage
    line_length: 200
    large_tuple: 5
     warning: 500
     error: 1200
      warning: 2
      - id
      - URL
      - en
      - ja
    cyclomatic_complexity: 20

    In included, describe the target.
    excluded describes the files to be excluded. If you use it with R.swift, add R.generated.swift here.

    For more rules, see SwiftLint's README.

  4. Let's build.

    If the .swiftlint.yml is not reflected, do a clean build (⌘+Shift+K) and build it again. If it still doesn't work, make sure that the yaml (Be careful of extra spaces, etc.)

    When checking if SwiftLint is working correctly, write a statement that violates the rule and build it to check it, as shown below. (Figure 3)

    let i = 1

    Figure 3
    Figure 3

Disable rules in code

SwiftLint allows you to avoid errors by explicitly adding a comment in your code to disable the rule.
For example, the error in Figure 3 can be avoided as Figure 4.

let i = 1 // swiftlint:disable:this identifier_name

Figure 4
Figure 4


Of course, SwiftLint can be used on its own, but we recommend that you try building an environment with the following recipe.

  1. Create a project, Application development using XIB.
  2. Introducing R.swift

SwiftLint has a lot more to offer. Please see GitHub for more information.